By S. O. K. Shillings

As protesters and Nigerians prepare for the activities scheduled for August 1 – 10, Government propaganda machinery has geared up to dissuade people from protesting. In fact, it seems that Government propaganda is the real publicity. Government has drawn our minds to the destruction that attended the EndSars protest and the Lagos State Government has pushed it to the level of an ethnic agenda of the Igbos to destroy Lagos citing the sparing of Alaba market and Igbo motor parks during the EndSars protest. The Igbos have been advised to go home and protest. In fact, traditionalists have joined the fray threatening to bring out oro during the period and a community has already staged cursing march by traditionalists.
We are in trying times. My last piece was simple: ‘We are approaching boiling point!’. Both sides of the divide must be careful. This protest, unlike EndSars, is not a youth protest as it appears. It is society protest on all issues. I join Government to warn young people to avoid destruction. Protesters don’t usually destroy. It is the hoodlums and misguided youths who do not even understand the purpose and essence of the protest that take advantage of the situation to loot and damage.

Government still has the duty of protecting lives and property in all circumstances especially in a situation of likelihood of breakdown of law and order of which it is well notified. The real protesters too have a duty of vigilance and control. In student union aluta palance, those who engage in looting and/or destruction are treated to maximum shishi.
Government must understand the situation and not create a bigger problem with the ethnic accusation against Igbos. Can we for once admit to ourselves that the hoodlums in Lagos are mainly yorubas? We saw the footages of the actions in the EndSars protest. It was our children that did the damages perhaps mostly not from Lagos State. How many igbos in Lagos are unemployed. That is part of our problems as a people. Lagos is the most information sensitive state in Nigeria, the starting point of any protest torch relay and that will not change overnight.

The traditionalists must be careful. They may unwittingly demystify the gods and expose the rites to ridicule. They are becoming unduly political. It is not a religious war and there is really no war. They need to be educated by none other than the traditional rulers who seem not to define the scope of their romance with politicians.
Can we understand that we all need this protest? Like him or hate him, President Tinubu seemed to be the man for the job. He has weathered all storms. He is crude and tough; crazy and fearless (no contempt intended). He is the best, the worst and the in-between of the characteristics of the present system. We expected that with a ‘tutuu’, there would not be any more capons and no more cabals; or all cabals would become one under him and the rich and poor would breathe or we would be completely doomed. Is that what has happened? But he has joined us in lamentation. Who then is our enemy? And who shall be our saviour?

The humongous emoluments of National Assembly parliamentarians that we have complained about since 1999 has not changed. The expected restructuring from a military-inspired constitution is not on the burner. Economy is losing control from the weight of looting and mismanagement. Worst of all, the Dangote Refinery we are waiting for is not ready and there is no reasonable explanation. Nothing has changed for real.
If there is truly a force beyond the Presidency, Government needs our protest either to persuade or blackmail it/them to shift ground. If it is a new gang on the bloc, we need to convince God that we are backing our prayers with some work. I am waiting for the broadcast of concessions and hope from Government before and/or during and/or immediately after the protest. We cannot continue this way.

Let me warn: a protest is the littlest Government can expect in this situation. If protest is discouraged or thwarted, then, we will be left with bottled anger which is an accident waiting to happen. Now it is warm water. It must not boil. Yet, the kettle, the water and the burner are fixated. It is wisdom time. I hope overzealous security agents do not upset us all.
May the labours of our heroes past and present not be in vain!
May God guide us!
S. O. K. Shillings Esq., writes from Ikorodu